
A Detailed Guide To Promo Codes

The following are descriptions of the promo codes settings. This is a break down of what each setting does.
Amount – how much you’d like the amount of the promo code to be.
Unit – whether you’d like this to be a percentage or dollar amount.
Type either be whole cart or every cart item. In other words, do you want this to apply to the whole order in total and or every cart item individually. A quick note on every cart item; every cart item is NOT tickets. It’s the individual added “trips” to the cart. If you add 4 tickets for the same thing at the same date and time, it will apply this to the total of the 4 tickets, not every ticket individually. I would recommend percentage off total, instead, if looking for per ticket discount.
Min. price – minimum price in order for promo to apply. (set to 0 if you don’t have one)
Product – choose the product or trip you’d like the promo to apply to
Tickets – you can select all or only select the ticket type you’d like the promo to apply to
Schedules – the time frame for the promo to apply to ( you can select more than one if you want to exclude a specific time of day)
Cut off (days) – if you’d like the limit the promo code to so many day’s ahead of time
Arrival from and to – promo will be able to be used on these dates
Blackouts – day’s you do NOT want the promo to apply to
Promo from and to – date’s you would like to run the promo
Uses – how many times would you like for the promo to be used. (use 9999 if you don’t want to limit it’s uses)